
Money Back Guarantee


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are committed to great design, great products, great value, and in making your gift meaningful and special. We are committed to taking the utmost care in preparing and processing your order.


My Goodness Gift Baskets Money Back Guarantee

At My Goodness Gift Baskets, we stand by our products.

  • We promise to use fresh products and good quality products.

  • We promise to use the products as advertised online. If for any reason a product is out of stock, we promise to replace that product with another as close to it as we possibly can, and one of similar or greater value.

  • We promise to give you great value products and impressive presentation.

  • We promise to take the utmost care in preparing and processing your order.

  • We promise to do everything we reasonably can to help solve any problems and ensure your delivery runs smoothly

  • We guarantee your satisfaction or your money back.



In the unlikely event your gift is damaged in transit, defective or incorrect, please contact us at to arrange a return at no cost to you.

  • All returns must be made within 14 days of purchase.

  • Due to the nature of our gifts, we are unable to accept returns due to change of mind.